Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cholera in Zimbabwe

Today I talked to a few different people about the crisis in Zimbabwe. As it turns out, we broke down our costs and we are working to fundraise just 22 cents per person to treat for the cholera outbreak. Wow, just 22 cents! That means that if you skipped a grande latte at Starbucks for $4.50 you could send medicines to treat 20 people! Wow!

When I look at the numbers I find it all to be so staggering. It’s hard to not feel guilty when you spend money other ways. I don’t think the point is to feel guilty, or the point is to never drink a coffee at Starbucks. But it certainly puts into perspective how you spend your money when you put things side by side.

I’ve had people ask me how much you should give. I have a hard time answering that question. I guess we should give everything in a way. From a Christian perspective, everything is the Lord’s, I own nothing because I can’t take it with me when I die. So if I’m just a steward of resources then I guess I’ve really giving it all.

Now, that isn’t such a great answer to give people. So I usually say that I think a good level of giving is one where you are making a sacrifice. Meaning, if you are buying yourself everything you want, and you are only giving from your leftovers of disposable income, I don’t think you are giving enough. I think a good sense is tempering your spending, waiting on the iPhone or not going out to dinner some night so that you can give, then I think that’s a good level of giving and gets the focus off of our self and onto others.

Today as I think about my people I know from Zimbabwe, my heart aches. If you have not had a chance to assist in the outbreak but would like to partner together to ship medicines, please visit our website at

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