Saturday, November 15, 2008


Normally I write about partnering with others, and it’s a little bit more removed. Today as I write about fires, it strikes a cord close to home….my own family.

This afternoon I helped my family to evacuate from the Southern California wildfires. My grandmother is staying with me and my parents are with others, having helped evacuate my grandfather’s assisted living facility, they are across town and can’t get through with road closures.

It’s pretty scary being on the other end. Flames were feet away from my parents home as they drove away in their cars, with what little they could take, and we pray that their house and others are spared.

Giving Children Hope is mounting our response to see how we can help in the crisis. If you’d like to help, please check our website at When we have any information about how we can help and how YOU can help, we’ll post it.

Thanks for your prayers for Southern California!

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