Monday, January 26, 2009

What do art and human slavery have in common?

Read the entire post to find out:

Over the weekend I had a great chance to catch up with a friend I hadn’t talked to in some time. These days, keeping up with my friends is so hard because every day is SO full here at Giving Children Hope.

As she and I sat yesterday over coffee the time flew. I finished telling her about my week last week and she looked at me and said, “Most people don’t do all of that in 6 months, how do you do it all in a week?” I guess the answer is, when you work in the industry that I am in with the ever changing conflicts around the world (ie Gaza) and you work with so many different kinds of people to get in resources and give out resources, it means that a lot always happens in a week.

For those of us that need to be working in a fast-paced and interesting environment, it’s really perfect. Every day I am learning from the partners that we serve about what issues they are facing in their part of the world. Hopefully this blog is a good place to share them with you and keep you informed in ways that mainstream media can’t. If there are particular things you’d like to learn about, please submit your questions. I promise to listen, and I promise to inform you of the most pertinent information that our partners face and what you can do to make a difference.

Recently, Giving Children Hope is getting more involved with the issue of human slavery because so many of our partners are dealing with the issue of human slavery. We want people to know that when they support us that are assisting in practical ways to support this cause. In response, we’re having an art show on April 18th in our facility entitled My Hands Have a Voice. ( If you know of people that might like to participate as an artist, let me know. If you know of a celebrity that might like to attend or that can create art, let me know. Otherwise, just save the date and plan on attending.

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